WP Engine Headless WordPress and Content Management Systems

The world’s best platform for digital experiences now offers full hosting of headless architecture! Power up your WordPress driven content with JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue all in one place.

Decoupled Digital Experiences.

Check out these free resources to learn how you can pair your favorite frontend framework with your existing WordPress site, all on WP Engine.


Introducing Atomic Blocks Pro: A Premium Collection of WordPress Content Blocks

Notice: Atomic Blocks Pro (Beta) has a new home in Genesis. It’s now the Genesis Pagebuilder plugin and is available with a Genesis Pro subscription. To learn more about migrating to this new plugin, please view these docs. With the release of WordPress 5.0 nearly a year ago, content blocks were introduced as a major


Four Atomic Blocks for Creating Dynamic Website Content

At WP Engine, our goal is to help you create stunning, functional, and highly performant WordPress sites. We want to facilitate an easy path for our customers to build and maintain beautiful websites. One of the reasons we acquired StudioPress and the Genesis Framework was because we wanted our customers to have easily accessible, highly regarded


How to Easily Fix 404 Errors From Your WordPress Dashboard

Imagine a situation in which you’re browsing the Internet for an important piece of information. As usual, Google gives you several options, and you click on the one you think fits best with your requirement. Unfortunately, though, when you land on the website, you find a 404 error being displayed on your screen.  Can anything be more frustrating than that? The same can happen on your website too. And if that happens, your visitors will face the same amount of dissatisfaction as you did upon seeing the 404 error. Luckily, there are easy ways to fix 404 errors from your […]


How to Add Custom User Roles to WordPress (Via Plugin & Code)

WordPress user roles are super useful when you have more than one person needing backend access to a website. In most cases you’re likely to have, at the very least, multiple contributors. Regardless, it’s not necessary that each person who has access to your site have the same permissions. And that’s where WordPress custom user roles come into play.  Here, we’ll be discussing how to add custom user roles in WordPress and both with plugin-based and code-based solutions. But first, let’s take a moment to discuss the default user roles that come with WordPress and why limiting permissions is something you […]


5 Ways to Edit HTML Without Being an Expert Coder

Just about anyone can create a dynamic, visually appealing and functional website with the latest advancements in technology.  Website builders make constructing a viable site easy. One of the most popular builders is WordPress, which is used by thousands of companies to establish an online presence. WordPress is a free, open-source content management system (CMS) where just about anyone can create an appealing site. One of the most significant advantages of using WordPress is that it does not require extensive coding knowledge. Its interface is best for beginners, and as you learn the ins and outs of WordPress, you can […]


The Pros and Cons of Using WordPress for Your Enterprise Website

Today, WordPress is widely respected as a reliable, scalable, and secure platform that’s capable of powering business websites. However, many people question whether WordPress is the right platform for enterprises.  That’s why we’ve created this guide. By exploring the strengths and weaknesses of WordPress, you can decide whether the world’s most popular Content Management System (CMS) is really ready for prime time. In this post, we’ll start by arguing that WordPress does have some serious limitations for enterprise users. We’ll then look at the benefits of using this CMS for your company website. Let’s get started!  The Drawbacks of Using WordPress […]


3 Quick and Easy Steps to Building a Multilingual WordPress Website

Want to build a multilingual website but not sure where to start? Worried it will take too much time, be too expensive, or too complicated? These are common myths. Building a multilingual WordPress website can actually be straightforward and simple. And as well as being relatively inexpensive to set up, translating your website will typically result in a bigger audience share and more engagement or sales for your business. Why it’s important to have a multilingual website There are various reasons why it’s important to have a multilingual website. Let’s dive into them. Reaching an international audience  If you want […]


Amplify the Potential of Your WordPress Website with a Mobile App

WordPress allows you to build your website easily and opens up access to a whole world of stunning themes and powerful plugins. If you’re looking for a way to grow your business with a website, WordPress is the ultimate solution.  There are ample online marketing techniques that allow you to scale your website traffic. However, when it comes to having an online platform to connect with your audience, websites are not alone.  Mobile apps have emerged as a powerful interface of late. Since smartphones are now ubiquitous, apps have seen a natural rise in general preference and popularity when compared […]


Enterprise-Level WordPress Sites: 13 Examples Worth Checking

In this post, we will look at some examples of enterprise-level WordPress sites. Why? Because it’s a frequent question whether the WordPress platform can accommodate websites of a certain size. In many people’s minds, WordPress is still a blogging tool or something only suitable for small business. Today, we want to put those doubts to rest. The examples of enterprise-level WordPress sites below will show once and for all what the CMS is capable of. We will take a closer look at the traffic numbers, design, and technology running in the background of each site. What Kind of Enterprise-Level Sites […]


Google Analytics 4 Tutorial: A Beginner’s Guide for 2021

In October 2020, Google released a brand new version of their Analytics platform: Google Analytics 4. While the only thing that’s changed is the addition of a property, it came with a bunch of exciting features, an updated and in many ways simplified interface, and a shiny new name. In this Google Analytics 4 tutorial, we will dive into all of it! There’s a whole host of complex features to wrap your head around and they add tons of important functionality. Most notably, you can now track both apps and websites, which is a pretty big deal and was a […]


Gutenberg Ecommerce: Using the New Editor for Online Shops

Is Gutenberg any good for eCommerce? The new editor has been out for quite a while now, nearly three years in fact, and has been the default since WordPress 5.0. Reception at the time was and still is mixed; some people say the new editor is much better, while others simply hate it. These polarized opinions have made many people hesitant to make the switch, especially store owners who have their entire eCommerce shop riding on their decision. With three years of development and feature updates, and three years for plugin authors to experiment with the newest WordPress editor, has […]


Media Queries in Responsive Design: A Complete Guide (2021)

Welcome to the beginner’s guide to CSS media queries. In this article, we will take a deep dive into what media queries are, how they work, and how to use them correctly. Contrary to popular belief, they go beyond responsive design (even though this is what will focus on here). In the end, we want you to walk away with the knowledge of how to implement your own media queries to customize the way your site behaves. What Are CSS Media Queries? Media queries are basically a way to write conditional CSS. That means CSS markup that the browser will […]